Becoming a real domain business

I don't know how many times that I get asked that question but it's a lot. Like many of you I have people coming up to me all the time asking if I can find them some domains to buy that will give them a great return. They get a little put out when I say to them, "You mean the domains that I'm going to buy I should give to you?"

This statement normally causes them to stop asking me questions. Everyone I meet wants to buy domains but not many people are prepared to do the work. This really drives me crazy! It makes me think of the story about the little red hen who tried to get help from all the farm animals to bake some bread but none of them would help. When the bread was finally baked and smelt great they all wanted a slice. For all of you prospective domainers out there - go and bake your own bread and do some work.

The Little Red Hen story is also tied into another comment that I make at Traffic conferences, "Domainers work incredibly hard for their passive incomes." Yes, it's bizaar. We're all working our butts off to get a few more dollars while ignoring the opportunity cost of our time. You're time is precious and never forget that you'll never get it back.

I hope that these few lessons that I've learned help you in your own thinking:

1. Don't try and do everything - take a look at what you do and hone the skills in the area that you really enjoy and that you have a real skill in. I know that a lot of domainers have developed an incredible ability to source domains - more power to you!

2. Outsource the bits you don't like - sure, every businessperson has to do some things that they don't enjoy but get rid of all of the other stuff. Get a book keeper and ensure that the accounts are right. Get a good accountant and lawyer. Don't wait for the tax man to remind you.

3. Partner with like minded organisations - if you're parking then ensure that you have a great relationship with your parking company. Be friendily and professional and remind them that you are focused on profit maximisation. At ParkLogic we believe in having a great relationship with our parking providers while at the same time as maximising our customer's profit.

4. Don't waste time - it's really easy to waste a lot of time. I remember when I was doing desktop publishing many years ago I spent a whole day experimenting on a job for a client and acheived absolutely nothing.

5. Don't lose sight of the end
- remember why you're working. It could be so that you can spend more time with your family or because you just want to buy that boat. Whatever it is don't lose sight of the ultimate objective. There have been many people who have climbed the ladder of success only to find that it's leaning against the wrong wall.

6. Like clockwork - in whatever business that you're in ensure that you are working towards a revenue stream that comes in every month, month in, month out. I see many domainers waiting for the big deal that's just around the corner while ignoring other potential sources of revenue while the endure unnecessary personal hardships due to lack of cash. Don't do it. Get the revenue flowing and the big deals will come.

I'd love to hear from other's that have found some great solutions to many of the problems that face us all in our domain businesses. Feel free to leave a comment.

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How To Make Great Money Part Time Buying And Selling Domain Names

This truly is the business to get into in 2005. It's a red hot opportunity that savvy investors can make a killing on when you know how. And this article will walk you step-by-step through the money-making process.

Don't be put off by the term "investors". I'm not talking big money down here. As long as you've got a spare £5 a week then great money can be made for only half an hour of your time. Like the sound of that? Thought so.

There's a few ways you can make money buying domain names and selling them on for profit. And I mean PROFIT. You'll see why people will be scratching at your door to buy off you in just a moment.

Let's start with the basics.

All domain names are only registered for a limited amount of time.Registrars can choose to use the name for a period of between 1-10 years. After this the rights to these domain names expire and the user has to renew the name again. If they don't do this it will be placed on hold for a short time and then deleted. This means it is then availible for anyone who wants to buy it!

This Is Where You Can Cash In!

20,000 expired domain names are made availible each and every day. Some of them are very attractive and well-established names.

Example. Last year the owners of carelessly didn't renew their registration fee. It was grabbed (the term used to describe purchasing an expired name) by a savvy 'investor' for a few pounds and sold for thousands and thousands back to the old owner.

The owner was willing to pay huge sums for to the investor because he had built up qualified traffic over X amount of years and didn't want to lose all the previous custom.

Now I admit that making a sale for thousands is rare, but is certainly possible.

The likeliness is that you can buy a domain name and register it for £5-£50 and then sell it on for anything from £150 - £1000. Do this with five domain names a week, and your looking at a big sum of money for only a couple of hours work.

It's not just businesses that have carelessly let their domain name that will buy off you. It's other businesses too that will buy the name to get the old owners' traffic. It's a legitamate way of increasing your customer base.

And if the old owner and a new potential owner get into a bidding war...well..the sky really is the limit.

So there's two main reasons why people will be willing to pay YOU a couple of hundred pounds for a domain name.

a) They carelessly let the domain name expire. That means that they will pay you to get the name back to ensure that they don't lose their existing traffic that they may have built up over years and years.

B) They are a business in the same field as the one that has let the name expire and therfore will pay you to secure the exisitng custom of a rival.

Here's step-by-step how you go about this fantastically profitable part time business.

There are several sources of expired domain name information and reserach tools, some free and some that require a payment of a fee. supplies lists of names due to be deleted. allows you to do some searching free and more extensive searching for a $99 annual fee.You can search for names that are due to be deleted and also allows you to bid on newly deleted names that have already been grabbed by other 'investors'.

What you are looking for is an expired domain name with traffic in the last month of anything over 1500. Ensure that the site is an actual consumer site. There's no point buying a domain name if the previous site wasn't selling any goods.

If you see a site that had tens of thousands of visitors in the last month GET IT. The likeliness is that the previous owners will be itching to get their name back off of you due to its obvious success.

Also if you see a name with a large qualified traffic thats due to expire and has a high traffic volume use an automated grabbing system such as and These will ensure the second they become availible you will have registered them. The cost is about $60 but only if they get the names for you. Definately worth it in my eyes.

Remember you could easily sell the name for hundreds, maybe thousands.

In part 2 we'll take a look at how you go about selling the names once you have acquired them. But in the mean time here's a few domain names which were up for sale at the time of writing this article. Now obviously not all names sell for this much, but it's a very real possibility that you could stumble across a gem in your business. $750,000 $350,000 $16,000 $35,000 $7,500 $6,000 $10,000 $17,000 $1,800 $5,000 $22,000
raregifts,com $20,000

The profits in this business are like no other. Now it's your turn to get your hands on your share in the billion dollar industry of buying and selling domain names.

Until next time...

Jonathan Street

Jonathan Street is a master at making vast sums of money for very little investment. Direct mail, mail order, selling domain names, name it - he's making money from it. He's also the author of "How To Make £5,000 - £10,000 A Month From Home". A book which he invites you to get for free from his ever popular web site.

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Make Money Selling Domain Names On The Internet

Ever since the Internet was born, everybody has tried to harness its revenue-generating power. But all these ambitious ventures, from eBay auctions ...

Ever since the Internet was born, everybody has tried to harness its revenue-generating power. But all these ambitious ventures, from eBay auctions to affiliate programs, have since dried up as the market became saturated with newcomers and profits shrank as pieces of the pie were chopped into smaller and smaller pieces. Luckily, however, it's still possible for Internet users with the right approach to fatten their wallets. Domain Parking, a new way to jump on the profit bandwagon, is so simple that it's hard to believe. was created by two leading SEO companies as a way to revolutionize the Domain Parking marketplace with a system that attaches real monetary value to domains and captures the revenue potential within every one. Our top selling point is basic enough: you keep 100% of what you earn on ad revenue. Nobody skims off the top.

Some domain names hold more appeal than others and popular domains are quickly being bought up—and held on to. This is making it increasingly hard to get a hold of one of the great ones. Domains are a valuable form of on-line real estate that grow in value by the day. Nowadays, people are willing to pay hundreds, thousands, or even more for a viable domain name. And it's still possible to grab them, and keep them parked while they generate a substantial (and steady) income until you decide to sell them. Those involved in the business use domain parking as a means to increase the value of their holdings, both now and for the future. When you get your hands on a domain, paid parking makes sense, and it makes money. Just watch it roll in from ads while you wait for a buyer. has turned the Domain Parking industry on its head. In two minutes you'll get an SEO compatible, 13 page, ad-filled, and content-rich "web site" with the controls right in front of you: keywords, menu, and optimization. Everything you need, in other words. Some will say that we've figured out the right way to park a domain—and they're right. Others will say, with jealousy, that we've crossed the line and handed back too much control to the domain owners.

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How To Make Money Selling Domain Names

Domain name speculation has to be one of the very best ways to make money on the Internet. It's easy, fun, takes a very low investment and has a huge profit potential. Businesses and webmasters are always looking for high quality, marketable domain names and will pay you big bucks if you have the name they want. Many people are making a good living buying and selling domain names. And you can too.

Below I will tell you everything you need to know, including where to find good domain names that are still available for registration (for as low as $14.) This used to be one of the hardest and most frustrating parts of domain investing. In the past to find good domain names you would have to search, one by one, until one came up that was available. But now there are research tools and compiled lists that do this for you!

You can also get lists of domains that have expired, due to non-payment, and have been put back into the available pool. More on this below, but first lets discuss what makes a good domain name.

What makes a good domain name:
The suffix is the most important factor. .COM, .NET, and .ORG are by far the most popular. Other alternative domains like .WS, .TV, .FM, are becoming more and more popular because they are wide open. For example where you couldn't get you can still get (well maybe not anymore). For now, I would stick with .COM because they will be the easiest to sell.
Would a webmaster or business want it? Ask yourself that question and if you can't instantly say "Yes!" than don't buy it. Also the more generic the domain name the better. And remember it is illegal to register a business name or trademark that you do not own. This is called "cyber-squatting" and tough laws are now in place to protect against this.
The shorter the name the better. These are the most memorable and easiest to market. At the time of writing this, there are only about a thousand three character domain names left. To find out how to get a list of these and four-character domain names see below.

What names are selling? Do some research on or (popular domain auctions) and see what names are selling and for how much. Below are what some domains recently auctioned for or have current bids at $92,800 $35,080 $6,060 $4,725 $14,510 $2,625 $1,890 $730 $765 $2,885 $15,000 $15,000 $198,895.00

How to find high quality domain names:
There is a myth circulating cyberspace that all the good domains are taken already. And although it is true that thousands of new domain names are registered everyday, there are still good names to found. The best way to find great domains is to subscribe to expired domain lists. These are compiled lists of the thousands of repossessed domain names that have been put back into the domain pool every day. They are available again for anyone to
register and contain some really great names; recently appeared in one and was snatched up by a lucky subscriber. As a subscriber you will get first pick at registering these names. There are two such lists that I know of:

Unclaimed Domains -
DNSIndex Expired Domains -

These lists are literally worth thousands of dollars. To get the lists all you have to do is subscribe, which is easy and cheap. Then each week you will receive a fresh list of expired domains in your email inbox. You may also purchase a custom keyword search in the recently expired domain name pool from DNS research - .

Other tools to help you find great domain names:

DNS Research - sells lists of all available Dictionary Word .COM, .NET, and .ORG domain names. They also offer lists of remaining three character domain names.
DNS Index - - sells lists of available three character and four character domain names as well as custom searches of the expired domain pool.

FREE tools to help you find great domain names: offers a free weekly e-zine that includes a list of over 200 high quality expired and available domain names. The website also has tons of domain related links, resources, services, news and more. has a great search engine that recommends available domain names based on a keyword you enter. has a search engine that does pretty much the same thing except you have to click on each name individually to see if it is available.

Domain registration:
After you find some good domain names, you will need to register them. Not too long ago the cost to register a domain name was $70 for two years. But with new regulations and the
distribution of registering privileges the cost of registration has become more affordable. Meaning more profit for you! You can now register a domain name for as little as $14 for a year. One place to do this is at

Selling your domain:
The most effective place on the Internet to sell your domain names is on auction sites. List them first on,, and There are also domain name brokers that will list your site for free, a fee when sold, a fee to list, or both a fee to list and when sold. is a great high traffic site to list on and you only pay them only a small percentage when you sell your domain. If you have a good domain name, and your price is right it won't be long before a buyer bids or contacts you.

Many new domain sellers make the mistake of trying to sell every domain name for thousands of dollars. When, in fact, you will do much better selling more domains for a few hundred dollars. This way you will have a much higher turn around rate. Remember you are registering the names for $14 and if you sell one for even $200 that is still a huge 2600% profit!

As you can see, domain name buying and selling is a good way to make a great deal of money. It's very easy and you can do it in your spare time. Get started today by subscribing free to, subscribing to DNSIndex - (instant access to expired domains) and any of the other available and expired domain lists listed above. Register with and and begin
selling! Good Luck!
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How To Start In The Domain Business Without Funding?

On Rick’s private board there is a discussion about how to start in the domain business with 5K or 50K. I thought to push this to the next level: How to start in the domain business without any sort of funding? I discussed this a little on DNJournal but thought why not to elaborate more?

Here’s a proven formula, and when I say “proven”, I mean I related this exact concept to a friend back in 2001, and that person, a good friend of mine for many years, followed through. Millions later, to say that he is a highly successful domainer/investor today would be a complete understatement. I also have done this myself as at times certain domains I inquired about were priced too high. Why “skip” if you can turn these inquiries to real dollars, hundreds of thousands of them?

Before we continue, a little background about who we are targeting here: domain investors. Investors have one main problem they can never solve. That problem is time. They can never have enough time on their hand to find all the best deals out there. In addition, the second part to remember is all active investors, especially the good investors, have preferences. they understand there’s money in anything and everything but the more they know about an industry or a segment within an industry, the more comfortable they feel making deals. Focus means the world to them.

So taking these two ingredients, time and expertise, what a beginner investor could do is identify potential investors, relate to them he is looking to help them out finding deals, discuss their preferences, negotiate a commission, and go hunt for deals for them.

How does it all come together?

1. Identify potential investors - Quite easy. Log on to weekly sales report data and see who are the active buyers. It is easy to find those who spend, either through the WHOIS or through the “Contact Us” on a given domain.

2. Relate your intentions - Introduce yourself, get to know each other, create comfort, relate your intentions (finding deals for them)

3. Preferences - During discussion, find out their preferences, simply by asking what kind of domains or deals they are looking for.

4. Negotiate commission - The investor has nothing to lose as you are not getting paid until you found a deal he likes. Basically, no risk and negotiating an agreed commission of 10%-20% should not be a problem.

5. Go hunting - The beauty of this is as you find deals and relate to your investor, and he/they decline them, ask “why”. This is most important as you want to understand how they think, what makes a deal a good deal. This is the most important part as it is knowledge that creates wealth, not money.
(One of the quotes that irritates me more then anything is “It takes money to make money”. It really isn’t true and it is one of the most limited beliefs in the world which I believe holds hundreds of millions of people back from making their dream life come true.)

As you save few dollars from commissions you will be able to pick and choose what to pass to investors and what to keep. You will be able to create momentum.

Important point to remember - You can either work for one exclusive investor or have a group of potential investors. I personally like the idea of a group better but It can work either way.

Side bonus: This formula isn’t just for domains but is about making it in the world without funding. You can go to a shoe store and offer the store owner to buy inventory for him, and it will work exactly the same.

Looking forward to hearing your success stories!
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How to Park Your Domain For Profit

Domain Parking simply means keeping your domain in the server of a host parking server so advertisers sites and links can be puped into your own hosted domain.

Simply put, you register domain, and optimise it to make money daily from advertisers who are paying you based on landing clicks.

Once you have registered your domain, quickly rush to any Domain Parking Website where you can Monetize your domain

Note that parking comapnies payment are varied based on who their partner is. Some partner with Google for Domain program while other partner with Yahoo Domain Services.

Some will pay yopu twice a month while some pay at monthly.

Once you have signed up, complete your details correctly and choose your payment method. They have payment options ranging from paypal, check or direct wire transfer to your account.

If you have a domiciliary account, you will need to choose the "pay by check" option. However, if you have a paypal account, chose paypal option.
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Sure Ways to Make Real Income from your Domain Names

The Internet has given ways and great opportunity to making money easier in global terms. You have probably visited your web site and you see terms like It is time for you to begin to turn this into money instead of enriching your regitrar (the company that registers your domain)
You can really turn this domain name into fast cash on the Internet in the following ways:

1. Park The Domain with a Parking Service: Parking your domain is simple. You will do this by just changing your name server to your parking company.
These services offers you the opportunity of paying a percentage of the advertising revenue derived from ads placed on a page displayed when someone visits your domain. Also most of these parking services also offer a sales listing service to enable easy resale marketing of your domain.

2. Develop a Mini Web Site: When you develop a mini web site that you are using to sell product or services, you can actually get paid by adding ad links to sell a products or service related to your site content or you take affiliate programs and have them on your site with clickbank.

3. Selling Your Domain: Once the above situations are on ground, you can make good money resellling your web site or domain at 1000% above the amount you used in purchasing the domain. in this situation, you must understand that the factors that count for the price of a domain are traffic, relevance, value.

4. Domain Leasing: If you want to retain then ownership of your domain, you can lease it out at where intrested merchants or ppc companies will take it from you on leasing basis and pay you monthly or annually as the case may be.
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